domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Block of contents 1: Philosophy


1.- PHILOSOPHY: literally "love of wisdom"is the study of fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.

2.- MYTH: symbolic narrative of how the world began, how was the origin of natural phenomena

3.- LOGOS: Order, knowledge, reason (term of Heraclitus)

4.- KNOWLEDGE: awareness or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information…

5.- OPINION:  is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive.

6.- ABSTRACT vs. CONCRETE/SPECIFIC : Abstract and concrete are classifications that denote whether a term describes an object with a physical referent or one with no physical referents. An abstract object is an object which does not exist at any particular time or place, but rather exists as a type of thing, i.e., an idea

7.- REASON:  is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information

8.- SENSE: A sense is a physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception. Humans have a multitude of senses. Sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. //  Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand and judge things, which is shared by nearly all people

9.- ARCHÉ: is a Greek word that means "beginning“ or  "origin“. It was first  used by Anaximander

10.- CAUSE: is the relationship between one event and another.

11.- MONISM: philosophical view that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance

12.- DUALISM: Moral dualism is the belief of the great complement or conflict between the benevolent and the malevolent

13.- PLURALISM: a doctrine according to which many rather than one (monism) or two (dualism) basic substances make up reality

14.- SUBSTANCE: an ontological theory positing that a substance is distinct from its properties

15.- PREJUDICE: is prejudgement or forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016


Hi students!

This is the official blog of the course PHILOSOPHY (bilingual) where we are going to publish the most relevant information of the subject. With this tool, we pretend to create an open space of analysis and discussion and to become the philosophy in a subject useful for our daily life. Here begins an exciting journey through the history of philosophy, the personal identity, the socialization, the thought ... Let's go pupils!